Friday, 17 June 2016

Xilos Release Special - 500 points Ghar Renegades

That disturbance seems to have passed and the IMTel is back connected again, this time with improvements. 

The brand spanking new Ghar Outcast Rebel list is our treat for today.  And because it’s such a treat I’m going to end up going over the top and having far too much fun.

I’ve not had that much chance to really tinker and ponder with this list at all, so let’s get stuck in.

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Scouting Force

Do not adjust your screens, that’s right, up to ten tactical choices.  A potential 12 order dice in a 500 point army, which would outnumber everyone else, twice in some cases.  The Support and Auxiliary are what we have become accustomed to seeing.

Having a quick look through the list two things stand out.  Lots of different tactical units along with having support weapons as tactical choices, and can only squeeze two Battle Armoured units.  So, what are we going to take...?

Other things to note are the low Cmd and Init.  Low Res (they will die when shot at).  Low Str (don’t ask them to open that pickle jar).  On the bright side they are cheap, have good Ag and can shoot as well as any stinking filthy Algoryn…

All the Rebels have a special rule too, surprisingly called “Rebel”.  They have a strength in numbers these guys, so make the numbers count.

Selecting the army
With 10 tactical choice slots and 8 different unit types, we’re rather spoiled for choice.  Lets have a quick skim through the tactical options and get some ideas for a theme:

Outcast Rebel Command Squad.  The Commander has all the usual trimmings we’ve come to expect, Command, Leader, Follow and rather interestingly Hero.  Not that he is much of a Commander as he shares the same Cmd and Int of the other squad leaders, nice to have non-the-less.  Mag guns are the weapon of choice for these guys, looted form the bodies of fallen enemies, along with Reflex Armour.  Armoured Outcasts?  Yes indeedy.  The squad can be upgraded to include those nasty Mag Lashes to remind them of their roots while laying into some other poor unfortunate, and plasma grenades (that appear to take the form of some adorable little creature native to Xilos).

Next in the list is quite exciting, Outcast Rebel Commander in Battle Armour.  Proper Ghar in their natural war like form.  He’s on his own though, unless you add in up to two bodyguards.  Standard Battle Armour configuration with Scourer Cannon, but can upgrade to take plasma claws.  Finally he is Cmd 9 so will boss the nearby Rebels somewhat more reliably than allowing the rabble to sort themselves out and can be upgraded all the way to High Commander.  You can’t have enough re-rolls.

The Outcast Rebel Black Guard are Fartock’s most experienced and loyal fighters.  Equipped with looted weapons like Mag Guns with the option to has a plasma carbine, plasma lance (and we know how fun these can be) and also a Micro-X launcher.   The squad has six guys in it and can be doubled in size, but with the line of sight rules and Ghar falling over themselves, tempted to keep units to six for now.

Outcast Rebel Squad on the surface of it look very similar to the standard Outcast Unit in the Ghar Empire list, 6 guys with the option of a big gun.  But these guys can also upgrade to Mag Guns and Reflex Armour, although that would make them more expensive than the Black Guard option above.

The lone Outcast Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team makes an appearance too.  Just like the one in the Ghar Empire list, but with the option to armour.

Then there are two support weapons (in the Tactical Options) of Mag Cannon and Mag Light Support.  These Rebels have gotten their hands on some pretty tasty kit.

Lots of things to think about there.  A boss in Battle Armour.  Lots of guys either poorly armed and armoured or go for upgrading them.  Support Weapons like the Mag Cannon and Mag LS.  As we only have 500 points I’m tempted to not include many, if any Battle Armoured Ghar for now.  Let’s take a look at the Support options…

Outcast Rebel Battle Squad.  The big balls of death are back, along with the Assault Squads and Bomber Squads. However, only as special choices and also Limited Choices.   So in 500 points we’d be lucky to get more than 1 unit in.  Anyway, the upgrade options are similar to the Ghar Empire versions.  Also, these chaps do not have the Rebel rule.

Another familiar face making an appearance is the Outcast Rebel Attack Scutters, again similar to the Ghar Empire list and also missing the Rebel rule.

Final special option is the new Outcast Rebel Creeper.  The more reliable versions in Fartock’s force are made from broken down bits of Algoryn Scout Skimmers, with plasma reactors firmly nailed on for that delightful MoD2 touch.  This beauty’s plasma reactors can also be amplified, and turning it into a veritable Greece Lightning.  Armed with Mag LS (or a Mag Cannon) this model is certainly making me want to build a force around it.  I’m just picturing hundreds of Ghar Rebels running over sand dunes mixing with these Rebel Creepers in close support…

Anyway, there are more units in the Auxiliary part to look at next.  The Tectorists and Flitters are back, and the Tectorists have Rebel rule too – which has some useful applications.

Flitter Bombs.  Everyone loves Flitters.  Everyone loves bombs.  What’s not to love about Flitter Bombs?  They have a reasonable chance of exploding and causing a hit (and an all-important pin along with a second pin for being disruptor).  If they don’t explode immediately, just wait longer.  Random SV could mean it is a game winner.  A useful contraption to take out and pin important low figure count enemy units.  Wave after glorious wave of Flitter Bombs impacting on the enemy.

Right, after that dreamy bit back to the final Auxiliary choice, the Wrecking Squad.  These chaps have all the trappings of the Ghar Empire Wrecker vehicle, but none of the vehicle.  Just angry Rebel Ghar, with giant crushing Wrecker Claws.  Bad attitude, big trouble.  Reasonably handy in hand to hand and can keep the vehicles and Battle Armour upright and pointing in the right general direction.

That’s a lot to think about.  But my mind is drawn to the Creeper.  I’ve got to take a Creeper.  Backed up by lots of Ghar Infantry and a mix of support weapons…  Hmmm… 6 infantry, 3 support weapons and a Creeper to start I think…

This make the opening force list:
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61) = 61
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61) = 61
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61) = 61
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Outcast Rebel Mag Cannon Team (36) = 36
(t) Outcast Rebel Mag Light Support Team (26) = 26
(s) Outcast Rebel Creeper (88) = 88
Total = 506 points & 10 order dice (don’t forget the Creeper is Mod2).

Well, that wasn’t a bad guess.  Just over the 500 point limit.  So what don’t we need, what can be trimmed?

I’d like to upgrade the creeper to have a Mag Cannon and give it a Plasma Amplifier too.  So let’s firstly ditch the Mag Cannon Team (-36) and have the Creeper upgraded (+20), leaving a running total of 490.

We’re going to have to drop another unit I think folks.  As the options to upgrade on the Black Guard are just so irresistible.  A carbine for the leader, a Lance and a micro-X are too much fun to miss out on, and at 9 points a squad we’ll need to find 36 points from somewhere. 

And the Creeper unit can have more Creepers in it too.

Decisions, decisions.

If we ditch a regular Rebel squad and a Black Guard Squad…  That’s 110 to play with.  Only needing 18 to upgrade the remaining Black Guard and leaving around 100 left to play with.

So, after some tinkering we have:
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X (0) = 70
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X (0) = 70
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Outcast Rebel Mag Light Support Team (26) = 26
(s) Outcast Rebel Creeper (88), Second Creeper (+88), Plasma Amps (+20), 1 Mag Cannon (+10) = 206
Total = 496 points & 8 (or 9 with Amps) order dice.

No Command Squad and no Auxiliary choice though…  Does it matter?  I really don’t know.
8 (or 9 with Amps) order dice is quite a formidable number in 500 points.  And with two MoD 2 figures that can lay down a lot of fire…

Do I want a command team?  3 figs with Cmd and Int matching the leaders of my units?  I’d have to drop a Black Guard Squad, or a Rebel Squad along with something else.  I could drop a Creeper.  

Hmm…  For now I think I’ll leave out the Command Squad.  I may regret it, but will see how it goes.

Tectors, Flitter Bombs, Wrecking Squad…   The Tectors may help me rolling to hit with the Creeper’s weapons (and the Tector Rebel rule may be useable to aid other Rebel units too).  Flitter Bombs, who doesn’t love Flitter Bombs? But once used that dice is out of the bag.  Flitters (the plain boring vanilla ones) can’t be used as a Distort Dice soak and they have to flit about and don’t make a pleasing banging sound when they explode…

The Wrecking Squad are quite expensive points wise and although handy in combat, their secondary (or primary?) use would be to help the two Creepers. Tempting, but not tempting enough.

Right, going to drop the Mag LS for the Tectors.  Gives 10 points to play with…

And I want 16 points more to bring the Mag LS back in the list.

I could drop the Amps from the Creepers, but the threat of a MoD3 at 500 points and the potential to dish out 9 Mag LS shots and 3 Mag Cannon shots is just so delicious.  Even if it is only for a single turn. But that 20 points could fuel a Mag LS of its own, or a second Disruptor Cannon, for potentially 6 turns.

You know, I’m going to drop the Plasma Amps.  They free up 20 points and would permit a second Disruptor Cannon, which while still active adds an order dice into the bag and can drop two pins on a unit in a single shot.

It also gives me the option to tinker once I get my hands on these little guys and play a few games.

This makes the final list:
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X (0) = 70
(t) Outcast Rebel Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X (0) = 70
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Outcast Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Outcast Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(s) Outcast Rebel Creeper (88), Second Creeper (+88), 1 Mag Cannon (+10) = 196
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
Total = 496 points & 9 order dice.

Lots of Ghar units.  Each individual unit will probably take plenty of casualties, but there is another Ghar unit ready to take the place of the fallen Ghar.  The enemy can only shoot a limited number of units a turn.  Backed up with Tectorist Scouts to hopefully make the shooting slightly more accurate.  There certainly appears to be a quality in having quantity…

But what is a Rebel List without the Rebel Fartok?!

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