In the second scenario the Ghar are fighting back, trying
to prevent the abominations from erecting transmat arrays to bring yet more of
their kind onto the planet.
The suggestion in the Xilos book is to use a 1,000 point
Ghar force, which is similar to the suggestion for the first scenario.
Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force
We’ll need to take at least 3 tactical units, but we have
the opportunity to take a Command Crawler and also Bomber units. Also, we could take a Bombardment Crawler but
we would need a Command Crawler first so although a nice vehicle it is probably
too much for this list.
The defending Algoryn/Concord forces are trying to
establish transmat construction sites to allow them to bring reinforcements to
locations where the Quantum Gravity defence field had been breached during The
Drop. The defenders build the transmat
by using an Order Dice to add a random number (D6) of build points to the
construction. 20 points and the game is
over. Fortunately only 1 order dice per
turn can be used to build, indicating a minimum of 4 turns. Additionally the Order Dice cannot be used by
a unit to make an action, so the chances are the defenders will bring a cheap
unit to power the build rolls each turn.
We can win by destroying the transmat, but that means
clearing lots of enemy out of the way; or by overwhelming the enemy, which
again means clearing lots of enemy units.
Essentially, the overwhelming the enemy is when the Ghar have more than
double the order dice available to go into the dice bag at the end of a
turn. Having MoD units and using the
Gouger Gun (to force defenders down and risk them not being able to be added
back to the bag at the end phase) from the Assault Ghar will be useful.
Another part of this scenario in our favour is the Ghar’s
Continuous Reinforcement rule. If the
unit is removed from battle it re-joins the battle; form turn 2 onwards – so needs
Cmd tests to enter play. This means that
having large number of figures in a unit is not that important, as they will
come back.
Selecting the army
We did a lot of agonising over the list for the Ghar in
the previous scenario. It is also 1,000
points. So will start there:(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), Plasma Dump (+5) = 248
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 997 points & 9 (+6 for Plasma Amps) order dice.
We are forced to take at least 1 Battle Squad. However,
we’d like to take Gouger Guns to force the defenders down. Also, because we know that we have to get
close to the enemy to potentially destroy the transmat, we probably should take
Assault Squads as a matter of course.
Tooled up with Plasma Amplifiers of course.
With the armoured suits and Command Crawler all racing to
get to the transmat (first one to break it gets a cookie) I would be trmpted to
take a Wrecker. Random board edge
deployment puts the hold on this though. If all the Ghar were to start on one
table edge it would have been worthwhile trying to cram one in, but potentially
having units on all four edges makes me not want to go with that plan.
The separate Disruptor Cannon allows an additional Order
Dice, and if that gets killed then it comes back. Same as the basic sized Outcasts. Even the Command Crawler does not need too
much upgrading. Although the Plasma Dump
we added to it in the last scenario may be even more fun to release around the
defenders stalwartly protecting their transmat.
So I’m not going to tinker with this list too much. 3 units of Ghar in armour moving 20 inches in
the first turn ought to put some of the defenders on the back foot. Try and get the Command Crawler to issue
Follow orders on turn two and what could possibly go wrong?
Remember, even if it does go wrong, there are more Ghar
just waiting to get stuck in.
So perhaps not exactly exciting.
Just note that again with the fighting probably going to
be up close, Karg is not my personal choice for leading the force.
Finally, the first turn sees half of our force turn up,
which would be 5 dice. Making the Ghar
armoured squads and the Command Crawler the logical choices most times.
This makes the
final list:
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), Plasma Dump (+5) = 248
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 997 points & 9 (+6 for Plasma Amps) order dice.
With that, time to turn our attention to the
Until next time!
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