Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Ghar 500 Point Force - Out of the Box

After the excitement of compiling a Concord list using what is in the main box, figured it made sense to sail around a Ghar rich part of Antares and make the next list about the Ghar.  As with the Concord list in the previous post, this aim of this list is to base it around the figures available in the main box game, so nothing too exotic, and with only 6 figures to choose from it won’t be that difficult.

It is not a competitive list, but will allow you to use everything from the box game without investing further. 

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Scouting Force

At 500 points the Ghar force requires at least 2 tactical choices.

The force could contain as many as 3 tactical choices and 1 Auxiliary choice, giving a potential 4 order dice.  Army Options are available, with the maximum of each individual option being equal to the number of Auxiliary choices, but no more than 50 points (10% of the total cost).

Selecting the army
The selection of what units to take, based on the figures available in the box game is a very easy choice.
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
Total = 368 points & 2 order dice.

Without much many more figures the only way of increasing the force is upgrading the units and taking some army options.
Plasma Amps are going to be a must, the ability to add in extra order dice is very useful indeed.
Plasma Dumps are useful if surrounded at close range.  Also the plasma cloud makes your angry balls of death that little bit harder to hit.
The final upgrade is to upgrade the squad leaders to leader 2, which gives them slightly more survivability.

This makes the list currently:
(t) Battle Squad (184), Leader 2 (+10), Plasma Dumps (+15), Plasma Amplifiers (+30) = 239
(t) Assault Squad (184), Leader 2 (+10), Plasma Dumps (+15), Plasma Amplifiers (+30) = 239
Total = 478 points & 2(+2) order dice.

Leaving 22 points to spend on Army Options.

With the unit leaders more than likely going to be used to soak up as many hits as they can (with their Leader 2 abilities) the Well Prepared army option allowing them a +1 to their re-roll can be handy.  It is a one use only item, but if hit by a weapon greater than SV3 (like a Lance with SV4) it can potentially save the leader that turn. 

With only 2 units, having one of which pinned and down, being unable to recover the order dice is frustrating.  The Get Up army option will help out here, enabling the recovery test to pass on anything but a 10. 

The above army options take up 15 points, so the only remaining Army Option available is Block.  Putting a dice back in the bag is always handy when used at the right time.

The final list looks like this:
(t) Battle Squad (184), Leader 2 (+10), Plasma Dumps (+15), Plasma Amplifiers (+30) = 239
(t) Assault Squad (184), Leader 2 (+10), Plasma Dumps (+15), Plasma Amplifiers (+30) = 239
(o) Block (5); Well Prepared (5); Get Up! (10) = 20
Total = 498 points & 2(+2) order dice.

So there we have it, a 500 point force of Ghar made up exclusively from the items in the box game. Not the most exciting or difficult lists to put together.

The next challenge will be what to purchase for the army to increase variety.

Until the next time!

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