Friday, 27 May 2016

Freeborn - 500 point force

Ahoy there mates.  We’re currently sailing around Antares looking at various army list compilations and generally going around in circles.

So far we have Concord and Ghar army lists at 500 points.

Time to look at other Panhumans. 

This time we’ll be focusing on Freeborn.  We’ll not set ourselves any limitations (save the 500 point limit)

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Scouting Force

At 500 points the Freeborn force requires at least 3 tactical choices.

The force could contain as many as 5 tactical choices, 3 support choice and 1 Auxiliary choice, giving a staggering 8 order dice potentially.  Army Options are available, with the maximum of each individual option being equal to the number of Auxiliary choices, but no more than 50 points (10% of the total cost).

Selecting the army
Well, gosh.  There’s quite a few units that could fit into a 500 point Freeborn force. We are compelled to take 3 Tactical units, so let us take a look through the available options…

The Command Squad is a Limited Unit, but that will not be an issue a we will definitely reach at least 4 units in total.  The unit has been included in the errata to reduce their points cost and bring them very much in line with Concord and Isorian Command Squads.   One Freeborn command squad can be really tooled up with cool equipment, but at a basic level the Cmd and Init are reasonable and match other factions.

The Feral units are really cheap.  Their survival rate may not be high, but an enemy unit can only shoot at one unit at a time (mostly), by taking multiple units they can work together, theoretically.  Mag guns are not going to set any world alight, but they are not there to kill stuff, they are there to cause pins and draw fire away from your more expensive units; the enemy shoot at Ferals means your Vardanari aren’t being shot at (hopefully).  Ferals can be upgraded, but this increases their cost and removed one of their good points – being cheap.  But Soma-Grafts are fun…

The Nuhu renegade is a frightful unit to take, especially when melded to another Nuhu (MoD 2 Nuhu?  Yes thank you!).  However, after consuming most of your points the rest of the Freeborn force misses one thing, numerical superiority.  The rest of the army being two Feral Units and whatever pocket lint you happen to have in that day’s jeans.  So as much as it would be nice to include a Nuhu or two, going to give it a miss in this 500 point list (but may revisit it at some point, because it could be interesting).

The Vardo’s bodyguard of Vardanari are the most elite unit the Freeborn have access to.  They appear to have been on the receiving end of errata for their points value, but also in the pdf version the points are different again.  As not everyone with the rule book will have the pdf rules, I will use the value form the errata.  The unit can almost be equipped in a similar fashion to ta Concord Strike team, with Res 5(7) and toting plasma carbines.  Having a standard Init and Cmd, they don’t stand out as overly brave or obedient, but they are probably going to stick around when shots land around their feet.

The last tactical option are the Domari, the basic trooper in the Freborn force.  Mag guns and a free Micro-X are standard in Algoryn and Boromite forces, but the freeborn get an extra meat shield, I mean trooper.  The leader can be given a variety of weapons, potentially turning the unit into a squad leader delivery unit, but is not quite elite enough to carry out a job on his own once the rest of the squad are mown down. 

Let’s start with 2 Domari Squads and the Vardinari.  If we ned to we can drop the Vardanari and get a cheaper Command Squad (with only half the number of figures admittedly).

This make the opening force list:
(t) Vardanari Squad (137) = 137
(t) Domari Squad (97), Micro-X (+0) = 97
(t) Domari Squad (97), Micro-X (+0) = 97
Total = 331 points & 3 order dice.

Freeborn (and Boromites) are the only Factions so far, that are permitted 2 Support choices in a Scouting Force.  It would be rude not to utilise both of these.

The Skyraiders are fast and reasonably well armed.  Twin Mag repeaters throw out an extreme rate of fie (3 models, RoF 4 = 12 shots). Sure they probably won’t hit much unless the target is really close by, while making a nice pinging noise on anything they do managed to hit as the slugs bounce off anything but lightly armoured targets.  But with that weight of fire, they are going to kill something…  If you’re unsure the weapon upgrades ought to compensate. They are also reasonably expensive, considering we only have 169 points left and want another Support choice…

Skark!  Skark!! Skarknado!!!  The alternative to Skyraisers are the delightful Skarks.  Instead of a huge weight of fire at range, these cuties deliver a devastating number of attacks in close assault. Also, when the maximum points get to 1,000 you need a unit of these before being permitted to get the Meld Skark.  Nice and fast, but again a large chunk of points from our small resources.

Support teams are standard in most faction lists.  The more basic weapons being cheaper, but the Freeborn having access to the most variety of weapon.  It’s like these guys and gals go out looking for used weapons and repurposing them for their own use! 

The attack striker is the heaviest vehicle available to freeborn at this point limit.  MoD 2, so technically get to use it twice each turn, but it is a whole chunk of points and we’ve been there before.

So what two support weapons to go for?  Mag LS and X-Launcher are ‘free’ (except for the special ammo).  The heavier weapons (Cannons) double the cost of the unit, and usually only 1 shot.  So want to avoid putting too many points into the unit.  The Mag Cannon is only 10 points extra, so on a par with a tooled up X-Launcher, but only 1 shot, that when hits vehicles it really causes massive damage.

So, we don’t know if the opponent will be a numerous troop army or a small heavily armoured force.  So we’ll go for the Mag LS with its reasonable rate of fire and SV, and the X-Launcher with all ammo.

May as well pick the Auxiliary choice now too.
Targeter Probes, Hound Probes, Light GP Drone or Misgenic rejects.

This is reasonably easy as the Hound Probes really need Soma Grafted Ferals to be of any use, so they are out.  The Misjenic Rejects need a Nuhu. 

So Targeters or General Purpose Drone.  I think the Targeter Probes could draw fire away from units that actually cause harm to the enemy and distract them for a turn.  Plus they are cheap!

Where is the list up to now:
(t) Vardanari Squad (137) = 137
(t) Domari Squad (97), Micro-X (+0) = 97
(t) Domari Squad (97), Micro-X (+0) = 97
(s) Support Team Mag LS (34) = 34
(s) Support Team X-Launcher (34), ammo (+15) = 49
(a) Targeter Probes (20) = 20
Total = 434 points & 6 order dice.

So that’s 66 points left.   Can’t buy any more Auxiliary units or Support units.  The cheapest Tactical unit are Ferals at 73…

Hmmm…  434 points…  Drop Vardanari (-137) and get a Command Squad (111) + Ferals giving the leader a Mag Gun (76) = 484 points, and 7 order dice….   Will have more order dice than anyone else at 500 points.

16 points left.

Could give the X-Launcher a Spotter Drone to re-roll to hit (when not patch sighting), but when given a Fire order and a good roll on the D5 scatter, it will *probably* hit anyway. That and I'd like to spend the points elsewhere for not.

Perhaps give the Command HL Armour or Phase Armour (again in the errata to 1 point per model) and a shield drone to try and make them last a little longer.

This makes the final list:
(t) Command Squad (111), Phase Armour (+3), Shield Drone (+10) = 124
(t) Domari Squad (97), Micro-X (+0) = 97
(t) Domari Squad (97), Micro-X (+0) = 97
(f) Feral Squad (73), Mag Gun for leader (+3) = 76
(s) Support Team Mag LS (34) = 34
(s) Support Team X-Launcher (34), ammo (+15) = 49
(a) Targeter Probes (20) = 20
Total = 497 points & 7 order dice.

You will outnumber the enemy, but will die in the open.  X-Launcher has to fire over open sites.

So keep head down and concentrate fire on as few units as possible to rack up the pins. 

Could drop the ammo down to taking just 1 type, and freeing up 10 points…

If you’ve got an idea on how to improve this list, please let me know in the comments below.  As always, if you use a list like this, let us know how you get on.

Until next time!!


Comment came in from the leader of the Dantrim Outriders Vardo:
"Dave, Adam here. Nice write up mate. Have you considered swapping the shield drone for a spotter and then limiting the x-launcher to just net or grip ammo and then also picking up another spotter drone for them?"

Hey Adam,
Yes, I had considered juggling some thing around to enable additional spotters, however, it would be only a single unit that could patch-sight to the X-Launcher.  Which of itself is not a problem, however patch sighting only works if the X-Launcher and the patch-sighting drone are within 20".  There would continually be a nagging compulsion to keep the Command Squad close to the X-Launcher, which again isn't a bad thing but the commander really ought to be increasing the Cmd value of the Domari.  20" can seem a long way but when striving for objectives and where cover is thin, the 20" is more of a restriction than a bonus.  Also, both Spotter Drones cost 20 points overall, which could be negated in one Lucky Hit on the command squad. 
I have found peace of mind carrying all varieties of X-Launcher ammo.  Scrambler can come in quite handy when those pesky IMTel chaps put themselves in cover.  Or scoot to make them keep their heads down. Scoot also works on Ghar...
Also, the Command Squad only having three people in it could do with increasing its survivability.
Finally, should those pesky Concord lot turn up with a Subvertion Matrix, the only unit that could be contested against is the Command Squad due to their shield drone.  One that shield drone completes its heroic duty then the entire army is free of any risk.

In summary, I would not disagree with making the change to Spotter Drones and by all means give it a go and see how it works.  The above is my rational in not taking them.


Edit 2:
It has been noted that OH Weapons can use their Spotter Drone to re-roll a miss (Thanks to Tim Bancroft [from Shaltok story fame and joint host of The Freeborn Shard podcast] and also Nick Simerson [his name is in the rule book] for pointing this out.
I have therefore edited the above blog post regarding the Spotter Drones to prevent confusion for both future readers ;) .


  1. Dave, Adam here. Nice write up mate. Have you considered swapping the shield drone for a spotter and then limiting the x-howitzer to just net or grip ammo and then also picking up another spotter drone for them?

    1. I meant x-launcher, not x-howitzer. Guess I'm getting carried away again ;)

  2. Mentioned it on the FB post, but spotters can give rerolls to OH shots if they have LoS. It's only if they have to patch that the reroll doesn't apply...
