Ghar Empire defending?
Surely not? What could possibly
have the great Ghar Empire on the back foot..? Oh yeah, that accursed,
disgraced slave of an outcast Fartok!!
Don’t forget the markers for the jails…
As noted in the previous post for the Rebel list, the
Xilos book suggests either 1,000 or 1,250 point forces, I’m going to stick to
just 1,000 for now.
As the Ghar Empire is being attacked by Rebels lead by
Fartok, seems the obvious choice to take is Karg, that ought to show those
arrogant little upstarts a thing or two.
Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force
We need a minimum of 3 Tactical Choices. Knowing that most of the Rebels have inferior
(and probably scavenged from those abominations) putting our reliance into good
proper well-made Ghar Battle Suits seems the right thing to do.
Add in a Karg and see where that take us.
There are 6 holding pens dotted around the
battlefield. As defenders we must stop
the Rebels from opening any more than three of them due to the Victory Points
on offer. Therefore we’ll need units
that can sit and hold objectives, is anyone else thinking battle suits?
Selecting the army
Karg is first on the list. Let’s give him all the upgrades too, he deserves
the extra few points, unless we run out of points of course.
Then a few units of battle suited Ghar and perhaps a
Bomber squad too.
These are all quite expensive, so lets take a quick peek
before we end up having to chop bits out…
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(s) Karg (264), Plasma Dump (+5), Plasma Amplifier (+10), Hand Picked Crew (+10) = 289
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amps (+20) = 147
Total = 1,078 points & 6 (+5 Amp) order dice.
Well that awkward.
5 units and still over the limit.
No spare unit to put a “disruptor” dice on either. How many units had I anticipated the outcasts
bringing? More than 10? Hmmm…
There are 120 points in Plasma Amps in the above.
The agonising question for all Ghar players. To Plasma Amp or not to Plasma Amp?
I think in this scenario, as we’re defending I am going
to risk not taking Plasma Amps throughout.
Karg can also lose his Plasma Dump and Hand Picked crew
We’ll add a unit of outcasts which would allow only 14
points left...
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcasts (43) = 43
(s) Karg (264) = 264
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
Total = 986 points & 7 order dice.
There’s not much in the Ghar list you can get for 14
points. It is tempting to give the Outcasts
plasma grenades in the hopes of letting them create minefields for the poorly
armoured rebels to try and get past.
They could hopefully get a mine field or two down around some of the
objectives too.
I think that’s sorted it then.
This makes the
final list:
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcasts (43), Plasma Grenades (+12) = 55
(s) Karg (264) = 264
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
Total = 998 points & 7 order dice.
We have 5 units that could potentially just sit on objectives and hopefully mutually support each other. In fact we know we only have to defend four out of the six objectives, so perhaps 5 reasonably resistant units would work.
The minefield sowing outcasts are an interesting twist.
Just hope the lack of Plasma Amplifiers doesn’t come back
and blow up in my face.
Until next time!
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