Friday, 15 July 2016

Xilos Campaign - Scenario 5 - Defenders 1000 points

Ghar Empire defending?  Surely not?  What could possibly have the great Ghar Empire on the back foot..? Oh yeah, that accursed, disgraced slave of an outcast Fartok!!

Don’t forget the markers for the jails…

As noted in the previous post for the Rebel list, the Xilos book suggests either 1,000 or 1,250 point forces, I’m going to stick to just 1,000 for now.

As the Ghar Empire is being attacked by Rebels lead by Fartok, seems the obvious choice to take is Karg, that ought to show those arrogant little upstarts a thing or two.

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force

We need a minimum of 3 Tactical Choices.  Knowing that most of the Rebels have inferior (and probably scavenged from those abominations) putting our reliance into good proper well-made Ghar Battle Suits seems the right thing to do. 

Add in a Karg and see where that take us.

There are 6 holding pens dotted around the battlefield.  As defenders we must stop the Rebels from opening any more than three of them due to the Victory Points on offer.  Therefore we’ll need units that can sit and hold objectives, is anyone else thinking battle suits?

Selecting the army
Karg is first on the list.  Let’s give him all the upgrades too, he deserves the extra few points, unless we run out of points of course.

Then a few units of battle suited Ghar and perhaps a Bomber squad too.

These are all quite expensive, so lets take a quick peek before we end up having to chop bits out…
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(s) Karg (264), Plasma Dump (+5), Plasma Amplifier (+10), Hand Picked Crew (+10) = 289
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amps (+20) = 147
Total = 1,078 points & 6 (+5 Amp) order dice.

Well that awkward.  5 units and still over the limit.  No spare unit to put a “disruptor” dice on either.  How many units had I anticipated the outcasts bringing?  More than 10?  Hmmm…

There are 120 points in Plasma Amps in the above.   
The agonising question for all Ghar players.  To Plasma Amp or not to Plasma Amp?

I think in this scenario, as we’re defending I am going to risk not taking Plasma Amps throughout. 
Karg can also lose his Plasma Dump and Hand Picked crew too.

We’ll add a unit of outcasts which would allow only 14 points left...
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcasts (43) = 43
(s) Karg (264) = 264
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
Total = 986 points & 7 order dice.

There’s not much in the Ghar list you can get for 14 points.  It is tempting to give the Outcasts plasma grenades in the hopes of letting them create minefields for the poorly armoured rebels to try and get past.  They could hopefully get a mine field or two down around some of the objectives too.

I think that’s sorted it then.

This makes the final list:
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcasts (43), Plasma Grenades (+12) = 55
(s) Karg (264) = 264
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
Total = 998 points & 7 order dice.

We have 5 units that could potentially just sit on objectives and hopefully mutually support each other.  In fact we know we only have to defend four out of the six objectives, so perhaps 5 reasonably resistant units would work.

The minefield sowing outcasts are an interesting twist.

Just hope the lack of Plasma Amplifiers doesn’t come back and blow up in my face.

Until next time!

Xilos Campaign - Scenario 5 - Attackers 1000 points

I’m so excited by this next scenario, Jail Break.  More Ghar than you could shake a reasonably priced stick at.

First things first though, we’ll need some markers for the jails…

The Xilos book suggests either 1,000 or 1,250 point forces, I’m going to stick to just 1,000 for now.

As this battle is Ghar V Ghar I’m really intent on taking both Karg and Fartok for their respective forces.  This post is looking at the Rebels as the attackers

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force

15 Tactical choices.  15.  A potential total of 23 units in all.  That is perhaps rather a lot.  Even for my filthy collecting habit.

There are 6 holding pens dotted around the battlefield.  Our objective is to crack them all open to win the game by being in contact with the holding pen at the end of the turn.  We cannot break open the holding pen if the enemy have a unit also in contact.  Neither flitters nor tectors count for opening or preventing the opening of these holding pens.  There are Victory Points available for each holding pen, so we need to be able to open at least three of them to claim a draw.

Our Rebel force will require the ability to shift Ghar armoured troops off the holding cells and then have a unit race to open the holding cell.  It’s not going to be east.

Selecting the army
Fartok.  Have to take Fartok.  He is after all the leader of the Rebels.  Although he is also a Limited Choice we just have to take him, we’ll give him bodyguard too.

Want a good variety of regular cheap units to build the unit count up to start taking more Limited Choices.

A few Black Guard, a command squad and special weapon teams.  Not going to pick too many of the regular Outcast units because hopefully we’ll spring some of these from the holding pens.

Special choices I aim to have a unit of Creepers and an armoured battle suit squad or two.

I quite like the look of the Attack Crawler too for the strategic choice, but again this is a Limited option.

Think that is 4 limited options so that means finding 12 non-Limited Choices.  Tectors and Fliters drop this down to 10.  Command, 3 Black Guard, 1 Regular Outcast and 5 special weapons ought to do it.

Let’s add all that up and see what we actually get:
(t) Fartok (179), 2x Bodyguard (+170), 2x Plasma Claws (+10) = 359
(t) Rebel Command Squad (73), Maglashes (+6) = 79
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Mag Light Support Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Mag Cannon Team (36) = 36
(t) Rebel Quad Mag Repeater Team (26) = 26
(s) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(s) Creeper (88), Additional Creeper (+88), Mag Cannon (+10), Plasma Amps (+20) = 206
(g) Attack Crawler (186), Mag Cannon (+10), Plasma Amp (+10) = 206
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 1,503 points & 18 (+4 Amp) order dice.

Eek.  Rather overexcited with all the fresh new Rebel Ghar equipment.  It’s sooo shiny.
Some heavy pruning to be done (although I may have just found my 1,500 Rebel Ghar list).

Logical items to bin first would be the Battle Squad, or Creepers or Attack Crawler.  Perhaps even get rid of two of the three.  As they are all similar points I will keep the slightly more expensive Battle Suit squad.  That’s about 400 points dropped.

Then the Outcast Rebel Squad (there’s plenty more of them in the holding cells), a Black Guard Squad and some of the support weapons, with an eye to keeping the Mag Cannon.

After some chopping:
(t) Fartok (179), 2x Bodyguard (+170), 2x Plasma Claws (+10) = 359
(t) Rebel Command Squad (73), Maglashes (+6) = 79
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Mag Light Support Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Mag Cannon Team (36) = 36
(s) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amps (+30) = 214
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 920 points & 10 (+2 Amp) order dice.

Gives us 80 points to play with now.

Swapping the battle suits out for the Creepers (or Crawler) would release 8 points and be less Ghar Empire feel and more Rebel Ghar.  Plus they are always MoD 2, yet can Amp up to MoD 3.

Looking at Scourer Cannons, which is probably what the Ghar Empire opponent would have, I think I’d rather have a Res 12 battle suit than a Res 10 Creeper.  But then the Creeper is a Vehicle and could battle through. 

Okay, drop the Battle Suits and take the two Creepers from before. 

We could take a third Mag LS equipped creeper with the 88 remaining points, but want to check all the other options yet.

Put back in the regular Outcast squad and a support weapons and we’re almost done.
Or, at 88 points a unit of Attack Scutters with no upgrades. 

Where are we up to with the number of units…  10 so far.  We have 2 Limited Choices (Fartok and the Creepers) already, and the Scutters would take us to 11 units and 3 Limited Choices, which can’t be done.  Outcasts it is.
I make that 13 points left. 

I will take the Get Up army option, because I’m sure at some point Fartok will probably end up down and he really is key to the mission.  This will hopefully his get out of jail free card…

This makes the final list:
(t) Fartok (179), 2x Bodyguard (+170), 2x Plasma Claws (+10) = 359
(t) Rebel Command Squad (73), Maglashes (+6) = 79
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Black Guard (61), Plasma Carbine (+3), Plasma Lance (+6), Micro-X Launcher (+0) = 70
(t) Outcast Rebel Squad (49) = 49
(t) Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Disruptor Cannon Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Mag Light Support Team (26) = 26
(t) Rebel Mag Cannon Team (36) = 36
(s) Creeper (88), Additional Creeper (+88), Mag Cannon (+10), Plasma Amps (+20) = 206
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
(o) Get Up (10) = 10
Total = 997 points & 13 (+2 Amp) order dice.

Fartok ought to be able to defeat any regular Ghar squad on his own, but not if he starts to get out numbered.  The Creepers can drop a lot of fire into the enemy (especially when MoD 3), keeping a Tector nearby too.  The Black Guard squads will have their advance covered by the multitude of various support teams, again accompanied by their friendly neighbourhood tector.

Well, it’s almost a plan…

Until next time!

Friday, 8 July 2016

Xilos Campaign - Scenario 4 - Defenders 750 points

As a reminder, Warlord have very kindly made tunnel templates for everyone to download and enjoy. They can be found here:

As we’ve used the Boromites as attackers already, we’ll take the Ghar as the defenders using the list form the main rule book.

The rules prohibit models with a base size larger than 50mm.  Vehicles are also out of the question, imagine trying to explain to Karg you got a Command Crawler wedged in a hole…

750 points it is then.

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force

A minimum of 2 tactical options, which will be easy to fit, as one of them must be a Battle Squad.

We start the scenario by excavating and exploring tunnels on our way to the central point of the table.  Once a player lays a tunnelling piece next to the central line of caverns then the game begins in full.

The Ghar are really at the mercy of the fickle nature of the dice at the pre-game digging.  It is likely the Boromites will break through first and have the initiative, so having a good few units ought to push them back.

Victory is achieved by controlling more of the initial 5 Builder caverns than the opponent (discovered caverns along the way don’t count) which indicates fighting will get up close and rather personal in the enclosed tunnels.  So we’ll be wanting troops that can look after themselves in hand to hand in confined spaces.

Selecting the army
We aren’t permitted to take vehicles, so no Command Crawler.  There is no point in trying to find a way to bring in the Ghar Bomber Squad.  The Attack Scutters could make it, if we picked the Ghar special character Fartok (from the main rule book) but called him something else.  But I don’t think the Attack Scutters would bring much to the battle…  Which kind of makes the Support choice easy.  There isn’t one.

We have the obligatory Battle Squad. 

Further choices seem to be the Assault Squads.  Possibly with units of 5 figures to be really hard hitting and rock solid in defence. 

Tectorists probably help as a cheap Distort Dice holder when required. 

So will start with this:
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), 2 Extra suits (+120), Plasma Amp (+50) = 354
(t) Assault Squad (184), 2 Extra suits (+120), Plasma Amp (+50) = 354
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
Total = 942 points & 4 (+3 for Plasma Amps) order dice.

That was ambitiously overestimated.  I think the extra suits will have to go.  Let’s try again…
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
Total = 662 points & 4 (+3 for Plasma Amps) order dice.

88 points left.  That’s enough for just 1 suit with a Plasma Amp. 
Dropping all the Plasma Amps would only really get us one extra suit on top of this.  So not worth losing the chance of extra order dice.

For 88 points we could take Outcasts with a Disruptor Cannon, and have change for the bus back to the surface.  But I think it is going to get quite messy down there.

An extra suit I think it is then.  Question is, for which unit.  Do we use the Battle Squad as a shield and protect the Assault Squads until we’re able to strike?  Or do we bypass the risk of tripping our own units over and head directly at the enemy with a reinforced Assault Squad.  Trouble is, if we get caught in the middle ground where the Gouger Gun won’t work.

As the assault Suits will end up in hand to hand, it feels prudent to take an extra one of these.

This makes the final list:
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), extra suit (+60), Plasma Amp (+40) = 274
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
Total = 746 points & 5 (+3 for Plasma Amps) order dice.

The Battle Squad ought to be able to provide some sort of covering fire while the Battle Suits do all they can to trample through the tunnels as quickly as possible to secure those all-important Builder caverns.

Until next time!

Xilos Campaign - Scenario 4 - Attackers 750 points

So far on Xilos (and indeed elsewhere around the battlefield of Antares) all battles have taken place above ground.  This Tunnels scenario takes us into the subterranean depths, battling to find a Builder cavern or two. 

Warlord have very kindly made tunnel templates for everyone to download and enjoy. They can be found here:

With a bit of careful planning and slight alteration, something like this could be used as a basis for a game on board a space ship or an orbital dock.  Anyway, on with the lists.

I’ll be using the Boromites as attackers, as the Ghar have already burrowed themselves into Xilos already.  The list will be the Boromite Mercenary list form the Xilos book, as fitting the background of the campaign.

The rules prohibit models with a base size larger than 50mm, so no humongous beasts for us to play with.

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force

We’ve got at a lot of tactical units to choose, with the possibility of having half the army as support choices.  Careful picking could see us with 13 units.  However, perhaps the number of units would work against us while underground…

We start the scenario by excavating and exploring tunnels on our way to the central point of the table.  Once a player lays a tunnelling piece next to the central line of caverns then the game begins in full.

The Boromites have a trick up their sleeve in the form of Frag Borers, so we’ll keep an eye on those.

Victory is achieved by controlling more of the initial 5 Builder caverns than the opponent (discovered caverns along the way don’t count) which indicates fighting will get up close and rather personal in the enclosed tunnels.  Not sure what’s worse in a tight space, Ghar secretions or Boromite perspiration…

Selecting the army
Did I mention that my favourite unit is the Boromite Miners with Heavy Tractor Mauls?  They seem ideally suited to fighting underground where their low range won’t hamper them too much, but their startling hand to hand abilities ought to really count when it gets close.

A commander with Follow will also be most useful, as he’ll be close enough to several units at once in the cramped conditions.  But we can only take one command squad in total due to the limitations of the list.  Overseer Squad, Rock Father, Rock Rider Overseer or Arran Gestalin?

The Overseer has Plasma Carbines, normally good for dropping pins on Ghar but only the boss has any significant hand to hand abilities with a hand weapon.  Same applies really to the Rock Father, which is a shame because I rather like the Rock Father.  This leaves the Rock Rider Overseer and Arran Gestalin.  The points values are similar, but I think with the compactness of the tunnels the fewer number of figures would work better.  Plus she has 3 attacks in hand to hand at SV3 so she’s no wimp.  Fortunately the Rock Riders are all mounted on bases of 50mm or smaller, otherwise they wouldn’t fit in the tunnels.

The Gang Fighters with Mag Guns aren’t on the top of my list.  Ghar don’t mind fighting Mag Gun armed troops.  So we may take more Miners with Heavy Tractor Mauls and some units of Workers with Mass Compactors, with their variable SV.  Plus they can all take Vorpal Charges, it’s only underground with nowhere to escape – what’s the worst that could happen?

Lavamites are always fun in hand to hand.  So we’ll take a set of those too.

For Support choices, we will probably want a Frag Borer to help tunnel more effectively. 

No harm in bringing a Mag Light Support and a Mag Cannon too.

The X-Launcher has a tendency to lob its ammo into the air, a rare commodity when fighting underground; we’ll leave that one at home today.

Tempted to take a set of Rock Riders.  Their Rapid Sprint may help bolster a gap.

Rounded off with a shard of Micromite Probes. 

So that’s a lot to be getting on with, how many points though:
(t) Arran Gestalin (120), HL Drone (+20), 2x Shield Drones (+20), Stasis Key (+25) = 185
(t) Work Gang Heavy Tractor Maul (98), Borer Drone (+15), Reflex Armour (+10), Vorpal (+30) = 153
(t) Work Gang Heavy Tractor Maul (98), Borer Drone (+15), Reflex Armour (+10), Vorpal (+30) = 153
(t) Work Gang Mass Compactor (98), Borer Drone (+15), Reflex Armour (+10), Vorpal (+30) = 153
(t) Work Gang Mass Compactor (98), Borer Drone (+15), Reflex Armour (+10), Vorpal (+30) = 153
(t) Lavamites (82) = 82
(s) Support Team (36), Frag Borer (+40) = 76
(s) Support Team (36) = 36
(s) Support Team (36), Mag Cannon (+10) = 46
(s) Rock Riders (97), Lectro Lances (+12) = 109
(a) Micromites (20) = 20
Total = 1,166 points & 11 order dice.

Just a tad over the 750 limit then…  I blame the Boromites for having such cools stuff. 
416 to drop.

Remove 1 unit of Mass Compactors.  And give the other units just one Vorpal Charge each.  That’s 213 gone already.
The Mag Cannon is nice, but its strengths are ranged open combat. 
Tinker with some of the upgrades for the Mass Compactor unit as they don’t need all that kit.

And now wrestling with the idea of dropping another Work Gang, or the Rock Riders or the Frag Borer.
(t) Arran Gestalin (120), HL Drone (+20), 2x Shield Drones (+20), Stasis Key (+25) = 185
(t) Work Gang Heavy Tractor Maul (98), Borer Drone (+15), Reflex Armour (+10), Vorpal (+30) = 133
(t) Work Gang Mass Compactor (98), Vorpal (+10) = 108
(t) Lavamites (82) = 82
(s) Support Team (36), Frag Borer (+40) = 76
(s) Support Team (36) = 36
(s) Rock Riders (97), Lectro Lances (+12) = 109
(a) Micromites (20) = 20
Total = 749 points & 8 order dice.

Hmm…  It’s under the points limit, but I’m not happy with it at first glance.  I’d like a second unit of Heavy Tractor Mauls. 

But perhaps that is too many Lavamite eggs in one basket.

The Ghar can probably only manage three armoured units in their force and we have a combination of units that can work together depending on range and situations.

I would be tempted to drop the Rock Riders (due to their size) and replace with second work Gang with Heavy Tractor Maul and also drop the Mag Light Support to release some points.

So although I don’t have my second Heavy Tractor Maul unit, it is probably for the best.

This makes the final list:
(t) Arran Gestalin (120), HL Drone (+20), 2x Shield Drones (+20), Stasis Key (+25) = 185
(t) Work Gang Heavy Tractor Maul (98), Borer Drone (+15), Reflex Armour (+10), Vorpal (+30) = 133
(t) Work Gang Mass Compactor (98), Vorpal (+10) = 108
(t) Lavamites (82) = 82
(s) Support Team (36), Frag Borer (+40) = 76
(s) Support Team (36) = 36
(s) Rock Riders (97), Lectro Lances (+12) = 109
(a) Micromites (20) = 20
Total = 749 points & 8 order dice.

Using Arran to issue her orders (and with Hero and Init of 8 she has other strengths) and blast away with the Stasis Key allowing the rest of the force to try and force the Ghar into a bottleneck and then hit them with a good few hand to hand units. 

The Micromites may help in a defensive situation, keeping them near the advancing Boromites, should the Ghar close into hand to hand then there could be some +1s to hit for the point blank shooting if positioned well.

It might work, right?  Unless the Ghar come up with something equally sneeky…

Until next time!

Friday, 1 July 2016

Xilos Campaign - Scenario 3 - Exploration

Brace yourselves folks…  **WOOSH**  That’s right, another campaign week speeding by.  Time for another set of lists for me to consider taking down to the surface of Xilos.

An unusual set of lists this time however.  The suggestion in the book states Exploration scenario can be played between 3 and 5 players (well, 2 and 5 players but 3 looks more fun).  As such the Explorers can take forces of 750 points, the explorers being Concord, Algoryn, Mercenary Boromites and Mercenary Freeborn.  The fifth faction being the Ghar with a variable points limit depending on the number of Explorers, essentially the Ghar get half the points available to the total amount of the Explorers.

Force Selector
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Merc Boromites
Merc Freeborn

Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Ghar – 750
Ghar – 1125
Char – 1500

Boromites could potentially take the most numerous of units.

A common theme is a minimum of 4 tactical choices for all factions.

The Ghar with 1125 would use the Battle Force as this fits within the point value bracket.

This scenario is all about the Explorers trying to capture relics left behind by the ancient Builders.  Infantry and dismounted mounted infantry are able to pick up the relics and move them off a friendly board edge, or failing that just having possession of the relic.  This means fast moving infantry which are able to handle themselves in a fight.

The Explorers get to start the game on the table, so no worrying about being delayed, unless there isn’t room to set up some units. 

The Ghar are out to stop the Explorers from capturing relics and to do what Ghar do best, cause mayhem.  It is the Ghar player that places the relics around the table before the deployment (I feel inclined to place the relics in two distinct groups, both equally distance between two pairs of Explorers, so that the Explorers end up bickering with each other.  Also makes the Ghar’s job a bit easier to concentrate their efforts in a few places rather than try and rule the battlefield) so thinking about where you’ll place them is an important part of the strategy.

Selecting the army
We’ve got lots of lists to get through and we’ve covered the pros and cons of most of the units available for each faction either with these Xilos lists or the original 500 point lists.  So let’s crack on then eh?

Algoryn Force:
Going to try a Transport Drone to take some AI Units and an Assault Squad as quickly as possible to the relics and hopefully pick them up and drop them off in the relative safety of the Transporter.  What was that?  Booing and hissing at such an underhand tactic? 

(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Squad (94), Extra Micro-X (+0), Overload ammo (+15) = 109
(t) AI Squad (97), Extra Micro-X (+0), Overload ammo (+15) = 109
(t) AI Squad (97), Extra Micro-X (+0), Overload ammo (+15) = 109
(s) Support Team (38) = 38
(s) Support Team (38), X-Launcher (+0), Net ammo (+5), Spotter Drone (+10) = 58
(g) AI Defiant Transport Skimmer (164), Batter (+20), 2x Shield Drones (+20) = 204
Total = 747 points & 7 order dice (Defiant Skimmer is MoD 2).

Concord Force:
The glorious Drop Squads make an appearance.  They’ll be able to bound in and take relics before bounding away again.  A LS Drone for mobile support and a couple of teams of Strike Squads to either move up to reach the Drop Squads, or to form a defensive position for the Drop Squads to fall back to.

(t) Drop Command (141), 2 Extra Troops (+54), Plasma Grenades (+10) = 205
(t) Drop Squad (176), Extra Lance (+5), Spotter (+10), Plasma Grenades (+10) = 201
(t) Strike Squad (112), Plasma Lance (+3), Spotter (+10) = 125
(t) Strike Squad (112), Plasma Lance (+3), Spotter (+10) = 125
(s) Light Support Drone (59), Spotter (+10) = 69
(a) Targeter Probe Shard (20) = 20
(o) Well Prepared (5) = 5
Total = 750 points & 6 order dice.

Mercenary Boromite Force:
The Mercenary list obliges us to take a Command Unit of some type, but we aren’t restricted by the Limited Choice.  A solid group of cheapish foot troops with their specialist weapons to mutually support a rolling ground advance.  Much like a mudslide.

(t) Overseer Squad (105), Tractor Maul (+5), Spotter (+10) = 120
(t) Work Gang (98), Reflex Armour (+10), Mass Compactors (+0) = 108
(t) Work Gang (98), Reflex Armour (+10), Heavy Tractor Mauls (+0) = 108
(t) Gang Fighters (97), Lecto Lash (+5) = 102
(t) Gang Fighters (97), Lecto Lash (+5) = 102
(t) Lavamites (82) = 82
(s) Support Team (36), Spotter (+10) = 46
(s) Support Team (36), X-Launcher (+0), All Ammo (+15), Spotter (+10) = 61
(a) Micromite Shard (20) = 20
Total = 749 points & 9 order dice

Mercenary Freeborn Force:
We’ll take Amano Harran, he has a good eye for relic acquisition.  Bodyguard using the regular command unit figures will keep him safe.  Then taking as many infantry units as possible while keeping an eye on support choices, never know when the Ghar will show up (well, okay, we know they WILL show up form turn 2 onwards).

(t) Amano Harran (126), 3 Bodyguards (+63), Batter Drone (+20), HL Booster (+20) = 229
(t) Vardanari Squad (124), Spotter (+10) = 134
(t) Domari Squad (97), Spotter (+10) = 107
(t) Domari Squad (97), Spotter (+10) = 107
(s) Support Team (34), Spotter (+10) = 44
(s) Support Team (34), X-Launcher (+0), All Ammo (+15), Spotter (+10) = 59
(a) Light Support Drone (59), Spotter (+10) = 69
Total = 749 points & 7 order dice

Ghar 750 Point Force:
Against two separate factions we’re going to struggle. I think the MoD of the Command Crawler may help it race to the majority of the uncontested relics early on, then hopefully sit it out until the suits arrive.  The Outcast squad is there for dropping a distort or upsetting the Explorer faction’s support weapons.

(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43), Disruptor Cannon (+24) = 43
(s) Command Crawler (243), Plasma Dump (+5) = 248
(o) Block (5) = 5
Total = 748 points & 4 (+3 for Plasma Amps) order dice.

Ghar 1125 Point Force:
Builds on the previous 750 points, but can take slightly more in this force.  A Bomber Squad should fit nicely, especially if Amped up.

(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), Plasma Dump (+5) = 248
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amp (+20) = 147
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
Total = 1124 points & 8 (+5 for Plasma Amps) order dice.

Ghar 1500 Point Force:
Can really go to town on this force as we build on the above.  Additional Battle and Bomber Squads to create a very impressive force.  This may even turn out to be my regular 1,500 point force now I’ve seen it.

(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon = 24
(s) Karg 12-40-9 (267), Hand Picked Crew (+10) = 277
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amp (+20) = 147
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amp (+20) = 147
(o) Well Prepared (5) = 5
Total = 1499 points & 9 (+7 for Plasma Amps) order dice.

The relics are a really useful boost for the factions in the next few battles.  Any advantage that can be gained here is well worth it.

Until next time!