Sunday, 16 October 2016

Algoryn 1,000 Point Forces

Ahoy there me hearties.  Continuing the voyage around Antares there are some Algoryn bobbing around in the waves of violent plasma and solar radiation.  Let’s take a look and see what booty there is to be had…
I was fortunate enough to go to the Antares Day at Warlord last weekend (8 Oct 2016) and they had a couple of really nice new bits on display.  Alongside the larger pieces of the Brood Mother and vehicles there were a handful of assembled plastic Algoryn.  
I don’t know if it is wrong to be excited by plastic Algoryn, but I am.

What is more exciting is they had the unassembled sprue of them as well.  Taking a good long look at the frame I was delighted to see that each and every weapon option was available on the frame.  2 Micro-Xs (1 standard and one upgrade for free).  2 Mag Repeaters (1 for squad and one for leader). Mag Pistol (Leader).  Spotter drone.  Everything for the 5 man squad.

I really, really hope that because the unit can have up to 3 additional AI Troopers and the Command Squad has 3 figures, that if plastic command frames are on the cards that along with all the Command Options being modelled, that 3 basic squad weapons are also included to allow these frames to increase the basic squad size.  Of course there’s nothing wrong with just buying more of the basic squaddies if they’re going to be plastic though.
Anyway, after getting home I wanted to see what kind of AI force I could put together. 
AI being Armoured Infantry, so want a general infantry list.  But I also like the idea of using transports for a Rapid Response force – I really like how the Avenger Skimmer has turned out.  Also a list centred on the AI Assault squads as these bad boys can cut their way through some serious Ghar armour.

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force

Mandatory 4 Tactical choices, but a wealth of Support options with 5 available. 
The Strategic option allows us some of the more exciting stuff, if you find big bad guns and tanks to be exciting…

Selecting the army

We’ve looked at most of the Tactical and Support options in the lower points value lists, so worth casting our eyes over the Strategic, just to get a feel for them.  Also want to re-look at the Avenger Support Choice.

In previous lists I somewhat ignored the Avenger.  In 500 points it’s rather expensive, given there must be 3 tactical choices taken first.  But with 1,000 points this little unassuming skimmer comes into its own.  Firstly, it’s a MoD2 in the Support section, meaning more dice in the bag, more activations per turn (it’s rather shooty) and all without the expense of taking up the rare Strategic option.  The basic Mag LS is nice, certainly as MoD2, but a twin MoD2 Mag Ls?  That’s 12 shots per turn at SV2 with a decent range.  Mag Cannon is a pleasing alternative with its Massive Damage rule backed up by SV5.  Unit can take HL Boosters to make them as tough as Ghar Suits (and if you’ve tried prizing a Ghar from his little ball of comfort, you’ll know Res 12 is a bit of a tough nut to crack) and also take a Batter Drone.  If taking a Mag Cannon I’d recommend the spotter too, the Mag LS may not need it.  Of course you could use the Avenger’s spotter to patch sight in from an X-Howitzer…
Speaking of X-Howitzers (see what I did there?) this is one of the options for the Strategic artillery choices.  Mag Mortar, Mag Heavy Support (RF5 with SV3), Heavy Mag Cannon (SV6 and Massive Damage).  A Limited Choice option with a Plasma or Fractal bombard is also available.  My favourite of all of these is the Mag-Mortar with the potential of dropping D10 pins on a unit.  Sure the range is much lower than on an X-Howitzer, but 50 inches is plenty as far as I’m concerned.  Not to overlook the Heavy Mag Support with RF5, it is almost a squad on its own; or the Heavy Mag Cannon with SV6, which have their place in the right sort of force.

The Algoryn have their own transport skimmer in the guise of the Defiant, capable of transporting 10 around the battlefield with MoD2.  Limited by requiring to take an AI Squad for each of these is unfortunate for an all AI Assault force though.  A Mag LS allows it to support the disembarked troops and perhaps drop that vital pin on an enemy unit before they launch a close assault.
There are three variants of Liberator skimmer. Mag version, Plasma version and Compression version (okay, this last one comes with a Fractal cannon, but between you and me, I’d take the Compression each and every time).  All upgradeable with Shield, Batter and Spotter drones.  All MoD2.  The Mag version is quite a bit cheaper but they all have their place.  They won’t win any hand to hand combat, but so long as the enemy don’t have grenades to stack any enemy getting into fisticuffs will more than likely bounce off, until you roll that 10 that is…

Finally the Bastion.  MoD3.  It’s slow just like all the other MoD3 vehicles.  But it is as tough as old boots, even at eye watering cost.  Unlike the Concord Heavy Skimmer, this doesn’t get the option of the OH X-Style weapons.  The Heavy Mag Cannon cannot move and fire (Heavy Weapon – Page 80) but position it well and the 3 activations can do serious harm.  Given the cost of the unit I would probably give it shield, batter and spotter drone too.  And maybe change the Mag LS to a Twin Mag LS.
After that quick rundown of the Strategic options, time to get thinking caps on for the lists.

AI Force:
This is going to be a generic list, building on the background of the Armoured Infantry.  I quite like the special character Tar Es Janar, so we’ll see if he will fit as a replacement for the Command Squad.  The Vertex Mace permitting all Algoryn units with a spotter drone to use his Command value of 10 for any Co based tests.  That and the model is cool (although I didn’t like the back banner to start with, I’ve come to really like it).

Let’s take the most we can and see where we end up.
(t) General Tar Es Janar (105), Spotter (+10), 4 AI Troopers (+80) = 195
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Assault Squad (120), Spotter (+10) = 130
(s) AI Support Team (38), X-Launcher (+0), Spotter (+10), Ammo (+15) = 63
(s) AI Support Team (38), Spotter (+10) = 48
(s) AI Support Team (38), Spotter (+10) = 48
(s) AI Intruder Skimmer Squad (106), Spotter (+10), Compactor with Plasma Cannon (+25) = 141
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Spotter (+10), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 158
(g) AI Heavy Support Team (97), Mag Mortar (+10), Spotter (+10), Ammo (+15) = 132
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
(a) AI Medic Team (30) = 30
Total = 1,173 points & 13 order dice.
We can save a few points by only taking Net ammo (yes, there are other ammo types).  Drop one of the Mag LS Support teams and either the Intruders or Avenger…  

(t) General Tar Es Janar (105), Spotter (+10), 4 AI Troopers (+80) = 195
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Assault Squad (120), Spotter (+10) = 130
(s) AI Support Team (38), X-Launcher (+0), Spotter (+10), Net Ammo (+5) = 53
(s) AI Support Team (38), Spotter (+10) = 48
(s) AI Intruder Skimmer Squad (106), Spotter (+10), Compactor with Plasma Cannon (+25) = 141
(g) AI Heavy Support Team (97), Mag Mortar (+10), Spotter (+10), Net Ammo (+5) = 122
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
(a) AI Medic Team (30) = 30
Total = 947 points & 10 order dice.

What’s that? 53 points left…  Something cheap.  Mag LS back in?  Would leave a few points left.  That’s an Army Option or a different ammo.
Everything has spotters for the Vertex Mace and Mag Mortar patching.  Couple of Net ammo distributors.  An Intruder squad to try and take enemy Net ammo dispensers by surprise.  AI Assault with Mag Repeaters for lots of close range shootyness, but also close combat use – either to tie up good close combat opponents using shield or dispatching not quite so good opponents.

Final list for Armoured Infantry Force
(t) General Tar Es Janar (105), Spotter (+10), 4 AI Troopers (+80) = 195
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Assault Squad (120), Spotter (+10) = 130
(s) AI Support Team (38), X-Launcher (+0), Spotter (+10), Net Ammo (+5) = 53
(s) AI Support Team (38), Spotter (+10) = 48
(s) AI Support Team (38), Spotter (+10) = 48
(s) AI Intruder Skimmer Squad (106), Spotter (+10), Compactor with Plasma Cannon (+25) = 141
(g) AI Heavy Support Team (97), Mag Mortar (+10), Spotter (+10), Net Ammo (+5) = 122
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
(a) AI Medic Team (30) = 30
Total = 995 points & 11 order dice.

I think that will do me for now.  Couldn’t quite keep the Avenger in, but get a feeling there will be one or two in the Rapid Response force.
The Assault Squad could be replaced by the Infiltrator Squad, as I find the options I pick for them usually result in the units points cost being almost identical, permitting an easy swap.  Just to keep things interesting.

Rapid Response Force:
Lots of fast moving items here.  A transport, Interceptors and Avengers are the order of the day. Tar Es Janar is going to be too much for this list, so a basic commander along with cheaper tactical choices.
(t) AI Command Squad (104), Spotter (+10) = 114
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Infiltrator Squad (119), Mag Repeater (+3), Camo Drone (+10) = 132
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Spotter (+10), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 158
(s) AI Intruder Skimmer Squad (106), Spotter (+10), Compactor with Plasma Cannon (+25) = 141
(g) AI Defiant Transport (164), Batter (+20), 2 Shield (+20) = 204
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
Total = 977 points & 10 order dice.
Infiltrators and one AI squad have to walk.  The Commander and the other AI squad get to arrive in the comfort of the Defiant.  I wonder if a Medic team can be included and take up the last 2 transport spaces?  I think the Avenger doesn’t need that spotter – which is 10 points saved.

Final list for Rapid Response Force (t) AI Command Squad (104), Spotter (+10) = 114
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Squad (94), Spotter (+10), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 104
(t) AI Infiltrator Squad (119), Mag Repeater (+3), Camo Drone (+10) = 132
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(s) AI Intruder Skimmer Squad (106), Spotter (+10), Compactor with Plasma Cannon (+25) = 141
(g) AI Defiant Transport (164), Batter (+20), 2 Shield (+20) = 204
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
(a) Medic Team (30) = 30
Total = 997 points & 11 order dice.
I’d quite like to have been able to include more Intruders, but the requirement of 4 tactical choices really trims down their availability. points wise.  Maybe I should ignore the army lists and make one myself regardless…

Assault Force
To have more than one AI Assault Squad, we’re forced into taking the AI Assault Command, not that this is a bad thing.  If we want to be able to put them in a transport we’ll need a unit of regular AI Squads.  Or we could take one of the Liberator options.  
(t) AI Assault Command Squad (119), 2 Troopers (+50), Spotter (+10) = 179
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(g) AI Liberator Skimmer X10 Special (224), Spotter (+10), Batter (+20), 2 Shield (+20) = 274
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
Total = 981 points & 9 order dice
If we take the X-01 High Mag Skimmer instead that saves 40 points.  Swap a Mag LS with a Mag Cannon for 5 will be a total saving of 35.  Avoids the “Cycling” when the roll to hit is a 10 as well – But I like the “Ignores Cover” provided by the Compressor.  This change would leave 59 points though.

The Liberator can have a second Batter Drone, which could be used to create a reasonable sized batter area around the drone to protect close by Assault Squads.  But that rather bunches the force up. 
I’m not convinced by it. 

Perhaps drop the Liberator and take a second Avenger with twin Mag LS, and use them both to protect the advancing AI troopers.  A Defiant transport would really help too.
(t) AI Assault Command Squad (119), 2 Troopers (+50), Spotter (+10) = 179
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Squad (94), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 94
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(g) AI Defiant Transport (164), Batter (+20), 2 Shield (+20) = 204
(a) AI Targeter Shard (20) = 20
Total = 1,033 points & 11 order dice

Drop the Targeters and then it is only 13 more points to trim.  A single AI Trooper in the command squad costs 25, so it is looking to be him on the proverbial chopping block at the moment.

The Assault Command does not need a spotter.  Perhaps the Defiant Transport can get away with taking a single shield drone.  That would be points saved and I would get to keep the 5 man Command Squad (and not waste a space in the Transport too).

Final list for Assault Force (t) AI Assault Command Squad (119), 2 Troopers (+50) = 169
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Squad (94), Extra Micro-X (+0) = 94
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(g) AI Defiant Transport (164), Batter (+20), Shield (+10) = 194
Total = 993 points & 10 order dice

No idea how effective this will be, as the Avengers are rather expensive Mag LS teams – Albeit rather manoeuvrable and MoD2 versions.  One Assault and the regular AI Squad are walking, which is not ideal.  The only long range weapons are the Mag LS, there are no Net ammo dispensers, basic weapons range is minimal.  Would be a mad dash to get the Defiant to the enemy lines as quickly as possible and hope the rest of the force turns up before they get mashed by the entirety of the enemy army.  But that, I suppose, is the difference between making a list and playing it on the table top.  Only time will tell, once I get the figures that is. 

But, that’s not the end of it.  It still doesn't feel symmetrical enough for me.  To save the poor light switches from around my house being flicked an even number of times each time I read this in future, some changes need to be made. 
That one lonely AI Assault unit having to run in an undignified manner, while their buddies hitch a lift.  I'm going to drop another of the original 4 Assault Squads (leaving only 2 in an “All Assault” force) and replace with a regular AI Squad, equipped with second Micro-X Launcher.  Also give the regular AI Squads some Overcharged Ammo for their X-Weapons.  This provides each ‘wing’ of the force to have an AI Squad and an Avenger and the centre to be a Defiant with two Assault Squads.

Absolutely the final list for Assault Force and no more tinkering will happen now, promise…
(t) AI Assault Command Squad (119), 2 Troopers (+50) = 169
(t) AI Assault Squad (120) = 120
(t) AI Squad (94), Extra Micro-X (+0), 3x Overcharge Ammo (+15) = 109
(t) AI Squad (94), Extra Micro-X (+0), 3x Overcharge Ammo (+15) = 109
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(s) AI Avenger Skimmer (118), Batter (+20), Twin Mag LS (+10) = 148
(g) AI Defiant Transport (164), Batter (+20), Shield (+10) = 194
Total = 997 points & 10 order dice
Not quite as Assaulty as first advertised, but feels a much more rounded list than the one with 4 AI Assault squads.  Also has a level of combined arms which I find pleasing on a tactical level.

As much as I like the Armoured Infantry list at the top of this rambling, I really like all three lists.  My wallet is in for it now…

Until next time!

Monday, 10 October 2016

Ghar 1,000 Point Force

Next on the 1,000 hit list are Ghar.  In the last list we made 3 (okay, 4) lists for the Concord at 1,000.  This is due to having so many different options to choose from, depending on the focus of the list.

Also, this list is rather well timed as Warlord held their first Campaign Weekend for Antares on 6 October 2016.  They have stated the points limit is 1,000 and I took Ghar (got to make sure there are enough Ghar to go round).  Had to hold off putting this online and giving away too many secrets.  That and so much painting to do…

There are a couple of ways to go with Ghar too, a full Battlesuit list without any Crawlers, a High Command Command Crawler list and a list with a general Crawler theme.

1,000 points of Ghar.   Let’s get to it.

Force Selector
Force size
Points Value
Tactical (t)
Support (s)
Strategic (g)
Auxiliary (a)
Combat Force

3 tactical choices are the only mandatory options.  We only get 2 support choices, one of which would normally have to be either a Command Crawler or a Fartok from the main rulebook.

There is only one option in the strategic choices for Ghar, the Bombardment Crawler.

Selecting the army
The only new bit of kit in this list is the Bombardment Crawler.  Which is like an X-Howitzer sized Disruption bomb.  Range to reach the other side of the battlefield of the people playing on the table opposite you, leaving a double sized template of D10 hits on the poor unit in its sights.  And there’s no cover for them to cower behind as the Heavy Disruption Bomber ignores it.  Res 13 make it is relatively difficult to pin with general issue side arms.
Only real down side is it can run out of ammo, so usually good idea to pop a Scutter with a bomb feeder in there too.  There is an added benefit of having a bomb feeder, once per game in one activation the Bombardment Crawler can fire twice.
Add a Plasma Amp and this bad boy can be MoD3, chucking out all sort of nasty Quantum Gravity bombs the enemy won’t want to be treading in.

Perhaps I didn’t look at the Support options too much in the 500 lists.  May be worth a quick skim over them…

Obviously without a Command Crawler (of the Fartok High Commander) the Ghar force cannot take any Support or Strategic options.  So one of the benefits of the Command Crawler is it means you can take Scutters, Bombers and indeed the Bombardment Crawler.
2 Scourer Cannons are reasonably good, being MoD2 it can pin upto 4 units per turn if given a fire order; which only increases with a Plasma Amp (so long as it holds out and can take the strain of being overcharged).  It makes for a nice big battering ram.  It will attract lots of enemy fire and could end up being “Mag Gunned” to death, so upgrading to High Commander reduces the likelihood of failing too many Res rolls.  It is also a vehicle so even when it does fail a Res test it rolls on a table to see what happens.

The Scuters are a nice little unit.  Cheap compared to battlesuits, but equipped with the same deadly Scourer Cannon as the main suits.  No close assault ability (save for closing fire I guess) and vulnerable to small arms fire.  But as noted, they’re cheap… And can be given Plasma Amps.

The last Support unit we may have missed looking at is the Bomber Squad.  1 Leader with Scourer Cannon and 1 Trooper with a Disruption Bomber.  Upgrades include taking more Scourer Cannon armed Troopers.  This means you only get 1 Disruption Bomber in a squad.  Which in fairness is a good thing…  If you’re Concord.  Essentially it is a cut down Battle Squad with a support weapon.  Can be given Plasma Amps for MoD2, and why wouldn’t you?  A Scutter bomb feeder gives the Bomber a once per game chance to fire twice in a single activation, and reduces the likelihood of running out of ammo.

So that’s pretty much all the options looked at. Let’s make some lists.

High Command Crawler Force:
So this list is going to be led by a High Command Crawler.  We’ll need at least 3 tactical units too.  Let’s see if we can get all unit the order dice we can.

(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20) = 263
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
Total = 835 points & 6 order dice.

You don’t get much for your points…  Could Amp Up the squads and throw in a second Aux choice.  Wonder if we can fit some Scutters in there too?
Perhaps we could add an Outcast Squad (to soak the distort dice of course) and take a unit of Bombers?  Of course, with a unit of bombers we can’t have Scutters.

(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20) = 263
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
Total = 985 points & 7 order dice.

Or perhaps use one of the Battle Squads to feed the Plasma Amps:

(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20), Plasma Amp (+10) = 273
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amp (+20) = 147
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 998 points & 10 (+4 Amp) order dice.

 We’ve got a Ghar force with plenty of Order Dice there, with some left over in the Plasma Amps.

Final list for High Command Crawler Force
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20), Plasma Amp (+10) = 273
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amp (+20) = 147
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 998 points & 10 (+4 Amp) order dice.

Battle suit only Force:
We’re going to need the Fartok character for this list.  He’s a High Commander and will allow us to take additional support options.  See if we can get a 5 trooper Assault Squad backed up by a couple of Battle Squads.  Add Bombers for good measure.

(t) Fartok (132) = 132
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Assault Squad (184), 2 extra troopers (+120) = 304
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
Total = 931 points & 5 order dice.

We could drop the Assault squad down to 3 troopers and take a second Bomber squad.  We’ve not quite got enough wiggle room for an Attack Scutter Squad as things stand.  And there are no Amplifiers in sight…  So something has to go.  And it will be the 2 extra troopers.
I recon that could feed Amplifiers into the rest of the force and perhaps just squeeze in a unit of Scutters…

(t) Fartok (132) = 132
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(s) Bomber Squad (127) = 127
(s) Scutters (88) = 88
Total = 999 points & 6 (+3 Amp) order dice.

I wonder what would happen if we ignored Fartok and the support choices…
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Extra trooper (+60), Amp (+40) = 284
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
(o) Get Up (10) = 10
Total = 1,000 points & 7 (+4 Amp) order dice.

I think the full on battle suit list has a lot of potential with 4 units of well armoured Ghar.

Final list for Battle suit only Force
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Amps (+30) = 214
(t) Assault Squad (184), Extra trooper (+60), Amp (+40) = 284
(t) Disruptor (24) = 24
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
(o) Get Up (10) = 10
Total = 1,000 points & 7 (+4 Amp) order dice.

Crawlers Galore Force
This is going to be a tricky one having a Command Crawler and also the Bombardment Crawler.  That’s almost half the points value in one go.  Also need to take a minimum of 1 Battle Squad.

(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20) = 263
(g) Bombardment Crawler (256), Scutter (26) = 282
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
Total = 1,000 points & 9 (+1 Amp) order dice.

Goodness me.  1,000 straight off the bat. 

While perhaps not the most “amplified” of forces, I fear that some scenarios may force one or the other crawlers off table at the beginning of the game.
Still, I don’t think much can be tinkered with too much due to the cost of both crawlers, so we’ll leave it at that.

Final list for Crawler Galore Force
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Battle Squad (184) = 184
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20) = 263
(g) Bombardment Crawler (256), Scutter (26) = 282
(a) Tectors (20) = 20
Total = 1,000 points & 9 (+1 Amp) order dice.

So, exciting stuff. 

The force I decided to take at the Warlord Antares Day was the High Commander list:
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Battle Squad (184), Plasma Amp (+30) = 214
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Outcast Squad (43) = 43
(t) Disruptor Cannon (24) = 24
(s) Command Crawler (243), High Command (+20), Plasma Amp (+10) = 273
(s) Bomber Squad (127), Plasma Amp (+20) = 147
(a) Tectorist Scouts (20) = 20
(a) Flitters (20) = 20
Total = 998 points & 10 (+4 Amp) order dice.

But instead of the Assault Squad, I took a second Battle Squad.  This game a slightly more symmetrical force without the temptation to throw the Assault unit across the table and become isolated. 

Until next time!